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test kit

Model: healthbuynow
Suggested product use period: Canine CRP is not a virus, but an acute phase response protein (inflammatory marker). When the body receives exogenous stimuli (infection, trauma, etc.), it will cause some pro-inflammatory factors (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a) release, promoteinto the liver to synthesize CRP.CRP..
Model: healthbuynow
FCoVa) 潜伏期为1周左右,大约具有6-8周的排毒期。b) 基因组发生突变后,获得了在巨噬细胞内复制的能力,可以摆脱肠道的限制,即发展到其他组织器官。偶尔会导致高致死的免疫介导血管炎,通常称为猫传染性腹膜炎(Feline Infectious Peritonitis,FIP)。 FPVa) 猫瘟热潜伏期为2-9天,临床症状与年龄及病毒毒力有关。b) 发病猫可从粪、尿、呕吐物及眼鼻分泌物中排出大量病毒,而且病毒可以在环境中存活较长时间。c) 康复猫长期排毒可达1年以上。Giardia Aga) 贾第鞭毛虫生活史中包括滋养体和包囊两个阶段。滋养体为营养繁殖阶段,包囊为传播阶段。贾第虫..
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